Collaboration Is The Key To HydroKleen’s Success Around The World

Collaboration Is The Key To HydroKleen’s Worldwide SuccessSince our first office in Australia opened more than a decade ago, HydroKleen has become the world leader in mini split and heat pump cleanings. And we mean that literally!

Today, we’ve cleaned more than 1.5 mini splits in more than 35 countries.

We spent years perfecting our tools, cleaning agents, and process. Everything we do, from the first time you talk to us to the moment we leave after a cleaning, has been refined, tested, and improved.

But, we didn’t get here alone.

We owe much of our success to our work with the National Asthma Council in Australia and Aeris Environmental, Ltd. Those collaborations helped us develop our Total Solutions Process.

As a result, our cleanings drastically improve the indoor air quality in your home or business. And, they save you time and money along the way.

Keep reading to learn more about our collaborations and their results. And, when you’re ready to make your Boise Metro or Valley County home or business healthier, click below or call us at (208) 779-5596.

 National Asthma Council Australia

Among other efforts, the National Asthma Council Australia, or NACA, publishes the Asthma Handbook: A nationally-recognized set of guidelines for health professionals managing their patients’ asthma.

We regularly consulted with the NACA to ensure our process follows those best practices. And that our cleaning agents meet their Sensitive Choice Program standards for asthma and allergy-aware products

As a result, HydroKleen is the only cleaning process that meets the program’s standards for cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfecting mini splits.

Aeris Environmental Ltd

The HydroKleen Waste Water Is Safe And Easy To Dispose OfWe developed our cleaning agent based on Aeris Environmental’s technology for controlling microbial infections in hospitals.

The company specializes in air quality services, particularly in the heating and cooling world. And, their guiding principle is, “Clean, green, protect” — right in line with what we do, too.

As a result, we can guarantee that our cleaning agent removes the bacteria, fungi, mold, and other microbial contaminants that build up on your system’s coils and other inner components. And that it provides guaranteed protection against recontamination.

Thanks to these partnerships, HydroKleen can say we offer a service that virtually no one else in the world can match.

What Our Work Together Brings You

Sure, it’s great (for us!) that we can brag about working with such respected institutions. But, what does it mean for you?


Our Total Solutions Process works in homes, government facilities, continuing care retirement communities, child care centers, hotels, resorts, medical centers, and restaurants.

We guarantee:

  • Healthier Indoor Air
  • Less Energy Use
  • Reduced Maintenance Cost
  • Longer Life For Your Mini Split

Healthier Indoor Air

Don't Touch The Thermostat! [Office Comfort & Indoor Air Quality]

Our process eliminates the HVAC problems that damage your indoor air quality. And, poor indoor air quality can be disastrous:

Contaminants in your air at home trigger everything from allergies and asthma flare-ups to toxic mold syndrome. Sick Building Syndrome leads to unhealthy employees and customers, leading to reduced productivity and losses in profits.

With our cleaning, those threats aren’t an issue anymore.

Less Energy Use

Homes and businesses have seen their electric bills go down by anywhere from 10 to 25 percent after HydroKleen’s visit! That’s because the contaminants build up on the coils, which are the surfaces where heat transfer occurs.

When we clear them out, your system won’t need as much energy to control the temperature in your space.

Reduced Maintenance Cost

Regular maintenance is a must for any HVAC system. And, for mini splits, we now know that deep cleaning is a vital part of your maintenance routine. It’s the only way to eliminate all the buildup that damages the components over time.

Longer Life For Your Mini Split

Mini splits last an average of 10 to 15 years. But, only the ones that get proper care last 15 years or more. Systems suffer breakdowns and excess wear and tear when they’re dirty. As a result, they won’t last nearly as long as a clean, smoothly running mini split.

We eliminate the dirt and contaminants that reduce the life of your HVAC system. And, we’ll show you exactly that during our visit.

Mini Split Cleaning In Kuna, ID

HydroKleen208’s years of collaboration, research, and development bring you the best mini split cleaning in Kuna, ID and across the Treasure Valley. And that’s guaranteed — or it’s free! Call us at (208) 779-5596.